Water management and irrigation faciities in Russia and Overseas
Zarubezhvodstroy PC ("ZVS") specializes in design and construction of water facilities including dams, tunnels, irrigation and land reclamation systems as well as hydroelectric power plants. Our bussiness interests include projects in such fields as water suplly, flood control, integrated schemes of water resources use and protection.
Areas of company operations
ZarubezhVodStroy proposes integrated services to it's clients throughout the whole range of waterworks construction.
  • Research and Surveying - Our enterprise performs the package of engeneering-geological, hydrological, geophysical and topographic-land surveying works, prospects for underground sources of services and drinking water supply, assesses useful groudwater resources and develops recomendations for explotation of same time
  • Design - Our company has high-performance specialized programs for design of hydraulic facilities, include in-house development.
  • Construction, Erection, Commissioning - Work is performed using state-of-art equipment and materials compliant with highest quaity standart.
  • Consulting and Engineering Services  - Our company develops schemes of integrated use and protection of water resources of regions and basins of large rivers and performs financial and economic appraisal of return of investments into construction facilities.
  • Supply of complete plant an Required Materials - ZarubezhVodStroy Ltd. supplies equipment of both domestic and international manufactures.
  • National Staff Training -  Training skilled staff for various nations of the world in wide range of specialities is a separate area of Company operations.
We want to make friends with our clients, so we are happy to answer your questions.
125319, Russia, Moscow, Kokkinaki str., 4 floor 1, office 8
Phone: +7 903 745 8674, +7 906 790 7771

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