About US
For almost half of century the company ZarubezhVodStroy has been engaged in engineering and construction of water management and irrigation facilitis. We erected and assisted in construction of more then 60 major facilities abroad and in countries of Southeastern Asia, Africa, Near and Middle East.
During that period we accumulated invaluable experience, which enables us to solve tasks we are facing with confidence and high professionalism. The basis of our successfull operations is the employement of advanced engineering and construction technologies, highly skilled staff, stringent quality criteria and care on ecology that occupies and important place within areas in our activity. We belive that ecologically founded deevelopment of water and land resources plays a vital role in life of people.
Precise and responsible observance of contractual obligations, qualified preparation of tender documents, competitive prices and numerous positive responses in respect of already constructed facilitites constitute the basis of impeccable corporate proven by decades of fruitful and mutually advantageous relations with customers. Owning to that the company is highly praised by our business partners both at the stage of competitive bidding and during project implementation.
The company ZarubzhVodStroy has always and will stay your reliable business partner.
Company's History
ZarubezhVodStroy is the successor to Zarubezhvodstroy State-Owned Enterprise, established in 1963 by RSFSR Ministry of Water Resources for construction of water management overseas.

The company succssfully passed the certification and received certificates of compliance with ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System), ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System) and GOST P 12.0.006 - 2002 "Ocupation Health and Safety Requirements" (OHSAS 18001).

ZarubezhVodStroy at present is one of few construction entities with full technological cycle, capable to simultanously act as a general contractor and designer. When performing contractual obligations, the company is ready to purposes of creating favorable conditions for the customer to accomodate his special requirements to maximum possible degree, proactivelly contract local companies and widely use local construction materials. We are ready participate in orders for turnkey construction of various facilities and separate types of work, process technologies and structural elements.
Company's structure
Currently the company has flexible organizational structure that allow promptly responing to any changes in market trends, location and conditions of project implementation and specific customer reequirements.
Don't hesitage to contact us
E-mail: gudzenchuk@zvs-stroy.com
Телефон: +7 903 745 8674, +7 906 790 7771

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