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List of implemented projects you can see below....
Contract name: Construction of rock-fill dam, penstocks, tunnels and tailrace structures for Sangtuda HPP-1” (Contracts N° 59.002/2005, 77.002/2005, 2/2007, 3/2007, 6/2007, 8/2007)
Brief Description of the Works performed by the
  • -Rock-fill dam 72 m high, 517 m long
  • -Earthworks including rockfilling- 7 279 200 m3
  • -Concrete works- 190 400 m3
  • underground works for 4 power penstocks (460 m long, diameter 8 m each)
  • -Building of 2 tunnels for the construction-operation spillway (525 m long, diameter 11 m each)
  • Construction of galleries of power conduits
  • -Installation of electromechanical and hydromechanical equipment
  • Participation in waterproofing measures at the dam
Amount of contract: 144 657 093.37 US$

Name of Employer: Open Joint Stock Company «Sangtuda-1 HPP»

Address: 2 a, Shestopalov str., 734033, Dushanbe, Tajikistan;
Prime contractor
Contract name: Contract No. 157/ANB/SM/1993 “Construction of the Tilesdite dam”

Brief Description of the Works performed by the
· earth-fill dam construction 70 m high and 690 m long, tunnel driving, cement-grout curtain arrangement, geodesy works
· earth works including embankment- 10 388 900 m3
· concrete and reinforced concrete laying- 262 272 m3

Amount of contract:
76 954 475.80 US$

Name of Employer: Ministry of Water Resources, Algeria, National Agency for Dams and Water Transfer

Address: Rue Mohamed Allilet – Kouba (Alger) B.P. 235-16050 KOUBAAn image’s view can arise from the history of the use of media. Some images are viewed differently due to the use of different (new) media throughout times. For example: The result of using the computer to edit images (e.g. Photoshop) is quite different when comparing images that are made and edited by hand.
Prime contractor
03.2006 - present
Contract name: Contract N°302/2006 dated 29.03.2006 “Construction of diversion structures on the Djer river”

Brief Description of the Works performed by the
· feasibility study and detailed design
· construction of dam (25 m high, 163 m long), irrigation tunnels (length 3 000 m, diameter 3 m), intake structures, desilting chambers, pumping station, pipelines, diversion tunnel
· earthworks, concrete and reinforced concrete works
· steel structures, electrical and hydromechanical equipment installation, geodesy works

Amount of contract: 30 793 957 US$

Name of Employer: Ministry of Water Resources, Algeria, National Office of Irrigation and Drainage
Address: 40, rue Mustapha Sadji El Marsa (par Bordj El Bahri) Alger 16000, Algeria
Prime contractor
04.2006 - 03.2012
Contract name: РРССАМ 001 “NAS Dike / Aklak Weir” Improvement of the Syrdaria river’s course and preservation of the Northern part of the Aral sea”

Brief Description of the Works performed by the

· facility design, supply and installation of equipment and materials, building and assembly works

· filling of dike body 13,042 m long, 5 m high, 9 m wide

· earthworks- 6 300 000 m3 including embankment with compacting 4 700 000 m3

· concrete and reinforced concrete works- 32,100 m3

· geotextile installation for the surrounding dam and beach profile- 1 524 257 m2

· construction of a reinforced concrete bridge, fish ways, headrace tunnel, 8 intake structures

Amount of contract: 7 058 526 490,22 KZT
1 US$= 122 KZT
57 856 774,51 US$

Name of Employer: Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan, Water Resources Committee

Address: 49 Abay Prospekt, Astana 473000 Kazakhstan
Prime contractor
05.2007 - 04.2011
Contract name: “Construction of dam and desilting chamber for Tapovan Vishugad hydroelectric power project”

Brief Description of the Works performed by the
· construction of an earth-fill dam 63 m high, 730 m long, 9 m wide
· construction of a power house, water intake and headrace channel
  • earth works including embankment- 3 570 000 m3
  • construction of a tunnel spillway Æ 5,40 m – 513 m
  • concrete and reinforced concrete works- 136 000 m3

Amount of contract: 108 092 105.74 US$

Participation of Zarubezhvodstroy PC : 51% = 55 126 973,93 US$
Name of Employer: NTPC Limited
Address: NTPC Bhawan, Scope Complex 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003 India
Contractor, JV member
Contract name: Contract №23 dated 20.10.2008 “Construction of facilities of Shapsug interregional water reservoir (Stage 1, Republic of Adygea)”

Brief Description of the Works performed by the

· excavations, earthworks, concrete and reinforced concrete works, metal works

· construction of an earth-fill dam: height – 63 m, length – 11800 m; desilting basin: length – 160 m, width – 90 m

· construction of submerged 15-m wide gates

· installation of hydro-mechanical equipment, electro-mechanical works, geodesy works

· installation of geotextile material in the upstream and for access roads- 652 890 m2

Amount of contract: 1 925 882 643,81 RUB
1 US$= 24.55RUB
78 447 358,20 US$

Name of Employer: Federal State Institution “Direction of lands improvements and rural water supply of the Republic of Adygea”
Address: 227, Kurgannaya str., 385000, Maykop, Republic of Adygea
Contract name: Contract №40 dated 29.12.2007 “Rehabilitation of the flood control system of the embankment of the Kuban river and the Protoka river in Krasnodar region, the 1 construction stage” (Krasnodar Krai)

Brief Description of the Works performed by the
  • -Earthworks – 5450 m3
  • -Rockfill, gabions, Reno mattress – 3460 m2
  • -Upper slope reinforcement by rockfilling – 6840 m2
  • -Diving works – 7050 m2

Amount of contract: 97 823 899 RUB
1 US$= 24.60RUB
3 976 581,26 US$
Name of Employer: Federal State Institution for operation of hydraulic structures of Kuban and Protoka rivers (FGU EGTSKP)
Address: 1 Naberezhnaya Str., Fyodorovskaya-1, Abinsky District, Krasnodar Krai, 353316 Russia
Prime contractor
Contract name: “Dredging works on the Old Sura river”

Brief Description of the Works performed by the
· dredging works for navigation, geodesy works

Amount of contract: 1 491 850 613,47 RUB
1 US$= 23.72RUB
62 894 208 US$
Name of Employer: Direction of natural resources and environment of Penza region
Address: 167 b, Pushkin str., Penza, Russia
Prime contractor
Contract name: Contract №13 dated 10.07.2008 “Iki-Burul group water supply system with connection to Severo-Levokumskoe occurrence of underground waters”

Brief Description of the Works performed by the

· construction of pumping stations (earthworks, concrete and reinforced concrete works)

· construction of principal water conduit 593 km long (excavation works and backfill)

· construction of passages

· commissioning works

Amount of contract: 1 774 412 657,80 RUB
1 US$= 23.36 RUB
75 959 445,96 US$
Name of Employer: Federal State Institution “Direction Kalmmeliovodkhoz”
Address: 12, Lidjiev str., Elista, 358001, Republic of Kalmykia, Russia
Prime contractor
Contract name: Contracts № IА/СВ/СW-08/006-L1 and № IA/CB/СW-08/006-L3 «Rehabilitation of the tertiary irrigation system in the Republic of Armenia»

Brief Description of the Works performed by the
· construction of water intakes
· embankment & excavation
· replacement of culverts, turnouts in the channel, removing and installation of new flumes and pipes

Amount of contract:
10 838 977,83 US$
Name of Employer: Millennium Challenge Account Armenia
Address: 2/1 Melik Adamyan str, 0010 Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
Prime contractor
Contract name: State contract N° 304 dated 07.11.2011 for execution of works at high consequence and technically demanding facility «Neberdjay water reservoir in the town of Novorossiysk»

Brief Description of the Works performed by the

· construction of inspection path in the mounting area, water purification facilities, reinforced concrete bridge

· digging of the dam body (36 m high, 2 600 m long) and filling of the dam body with layer-by-layer compaction

· rehabilitation of the shaft spillway structure, pumping stations

· reservoir bank protection by gabions

Amount of contract: 546 147 085 RUB
1 US$= 28,90 RUB
18 897 823 US$
Name of Employer: Municipal Institution “Direction for Construction” of the town of Novorossiysk
Address: 27, Karl Marks str., Novorossiisk, Krasnodar Krai, 353900An image’s view can arise from the history of the use of media. Some images are viewed differently due to the use of different (new) media throughout times. For example: The result of using the computer to edit images (e.g. Photoshop) is quite different when comparing images that are made and edited by hand.
Prime contractor
Contract name: Contract №РД 02-29-338/09.12.14 “Construction of Plovdivtsi dam and Water treatment plant"

Brief Description of the Works performed by the
  • construction of a rock-fill dam with asphalt-concrete diaphragm, water intake with spillway;
  • construction of water treatment purification plant and operation building.
Amount of contract: 24 307 550 Euros
1 US$= 0,80 Euros
30 384 437,5 US$

Name of Employer: Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works

Address: 17-19, Sv.Kiril and Metodii str., Sofia 1202, Bulgaria
Prime contractor
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